Saturday, 9 March 2013

Evaluation 3 - What have you learned from Audience Feedback?

What have you learned from Audience Feedback?

My primary goal at the beginning of the project was to think of a theme that could be ever present in each of my texts, and could act as an image for my brand. Both research and my own ideas allowed for me to recognise methods in which I could do this, as  exemplified in my ‘Intial Planning Ideas’ tasks. I finally settled on the theme of opposites, as not only was it original and interesting, but also included cohesion between the theme and the title of my song of choice; “Evening/Morning”.

I adopted this theme throughout the entirety of my music video, with the opposing nature of both of my characters, with the male being very uncaring about the situation, as reflected by his lack of interest in the date, and the female being all about the date, trying to loads of outfits and trying to look her best. Similar to my ancillary tasks, the main role of my music video was to promote the song itself, and it did this through not only creating cohesion between the lyrics and video, but also by helping to develop the opposites brand that I contained in each of the products. In this sense, I feel that the song served its purpose, as it provided a video that will please audiences, both in the sense of an enjoyable narrative, and the relate ability that it contains.

For both my magazine advert and digipak and I had to go about putting this idea on paper, which I feel I did successfully. After several drafts of my Digipak, I finally began to focus on the idea of splitting the faces of the characters, both facing different directions, to symbolise the opposites theme in this product. Editing this photo in a way that distorted the backgrounds of each of the characters also further signified this. The clear link between the music video and my digipak was made by including the same models from my music video as the two contrasting faces, which helped to further consolidate my brand identity.

In terms of my magazine advert, after studying conventional magazine adverts, generally they adopted the same image as was present on the front of the Digipak. As a result, I used this in the form of a full bleed image, another conventional factor. This, in itself, created the cohesion between each of the products, as the image of the two characters became symbolic of the song itself, as they are featured in each form of promotion for the song, which in itself, highlights how they have served their purpose of promoting this specific piece of music.

As suggested by feedback that I received, the link between the music video, the digipak, and the advert draft is clear, which highlights how successful they are at promoting and creating an identity brand for my song of choice.

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