Saturday, 9 March 2013

Evaluation 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media Technologies allowed me to further develop my products throughout the length of this course, in terms of planning and researching, as well as creating my final products.

 The primary piece of technology, used throughout the course was the use of a blogging website to act as an e-folder for all of my work, allowing me to present it in such a way that was both convenient and aesthetically pleasing, clearly displaying all of the work I had created, including planning tasks, research tasks and diary posts, which can be easily ignored if not displayed correctly. Using the blog allowed for my work to be displayed in a formal clear manner, which not only increases functionality when it comes to marking, but also for myself, as it became much easier to track which tasks I had completed and what I should complete next. The ability to embed a range of products onto my blog was a very useful feature when it came to displaying products that I had  created particularly during the planning and researching phase, with both word and PowerPoint documents being easy to insert into my blog. Specific tools on the blog, such as Labels and Polls also played a key role in increasing the functionality, with labels providing ease of access, and polls acting as an easy method of gaining audience feedback for my products respectively.

Linking in with the use of a Blog, the internet itself proved to be a rich and useful resource when it came to working on this course. In particular, video hosting websites,  specifically YouTube, allowed me a backdrop on which to complete my music video, with a wealth of ready-made music videos from world famous artists being easily accessible, allowing for similar product research to be made with the click of a button. In addition, the use of search engines, such as Google,  provided me with a similar wealth of information when it came to working on my ancillary tasks, with unlimited numbers of digipak and magazine adverts being easily accessible. When it came to simply researching the music industry these search engines again came into a league of their own, providing me with endless pages worth of information listed throughout the internet. In particular, Wikipedia was a site that  I was often directed too, which provided me with a range of details, specifically institutional based, that were key as I began to understand the music industry. In terms of displaying my work, the internet also provided me with a range of resources in which to upload my work in a much more functional and aesthetically pleasing way, rather than simply embedding the products. Websites such as Scribd and Slide share are two examples of such websites that allowed power points and word documents to be uploaded in a way that was more interesting than purely embedding the documents. In addition, the website ‘Prezi’ allowed for a further example of a product in which to create tasks, allowing for a more visually pleasing and interesting way of looking through work, with transitions in the form of zooms and pans to move from one idea to the next.

In terms of my actual text creation, a number of technologies were used throughout this process. Equipment such as the Canon 550D camera provided me with the ability to give a much more professional looking music video, especially when combined with similar level lighting, and as a result were vital in the creation of my music video. In addition, when it came to making voice over tasks and getting feedback from classmates,  I used a Dictaphone. This provided me with a high quality and easy to use way to produce voice-related tasks, further adding to the significant amount of variety required in a top level blog.

In the production phases of my product creation, Adobe Premiere Pro was my primary program that was used for editing my music video, which gave me the opportunity to cut up each piece of footage and place it in the form of a timeline along with my chosen song, with the ability to then add any special effects that I wanted to following this process. For my ancillary tasks, Adobe Photoshop provided a similar role, with the ability  to both comprise my text, and edit it in such a way that highlighted its quality. In particular, the images I used in each of these tasks were heavily edited in Photoshop, which made my images appear much more professional.

The creation of each of my tasks would have been near impossible without the use of a vast number of technologies, culminated by the production of my blog, on which all of my work is stored. The use of professional products such as Photoshop and Premiere Pro provided me with a backdrop on which to work on my products, to make them as high quality and professional, and as a result allowed me to take my coursework to the next level, beyond that of which would have been possible with non-industry standard products.

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